
Hi! My name is Bill and I am an oldish guy that desperately loves his 3 children… Emily, Bill and Loren (in no particular order).

At heart I am an explorer. I enjoy seeing new places, going where “no one has gone before,” and a fan of never taking the same road twice. As I look around I see thousands of people that never seem to step off the sidewalk and into the grass, but instead they just keep going around the block repeating the same actions over and over. They may have great reasons such as a career, a steady paycheck, family, health issues etc… However, it still amazes me at just how many people are born, raised and live in the same city/state their entire life with only an occasional 2 week exit called a vacation. I am not putting these folks down or mocking them as I can genuinely relate. There is solace in that consistency but I am just too nosey and want to see it all. I get that attribute from my dad!

John Muir, the famous environmentalist once said “The world is big and I want to get a good look at it before it gets dark.”

So one day I rolled out of bed, brewed a pot of coffee and thought, why are you sitting here in a broken down ranch in cold central Ohio? You are single, your kids are grown and the nature of your job allows you to make a living from any place in the world as long as there is an internet connection or a cell phone signal? I began to realize that not many people have the circumstances or freedom to do what I was thinking and I should step out and seize the moment.

So in 2018, I sold my house, down sized my stuff and purchased a 42′ diesel Class A motorhome. It was not an easy decision and I spent many sleepless nights preparing and trying to rationalize why this was ok. Let’s face it, selling the home where you raised your kids, lived for 20+ years and created a multitude of memories only to move into a 500 square foot RV is not what most people would classify as normal. My daughter has jokingly call this my midlife crisis and I doubt that my Grandma Bea would have approved!

However, through the persistent pushing and encouragement of family & friends, I broke free and started my adventure. When I tell my story to others, I commonly hear “you are living my dream” or “that is what I would like to do when I retire.” To them I say stop waiting! My dad unexpectedly (to us) went to Heaven at the age of 63. He had many plans and grand ideas on how to spend retirement. Unfortunately, he never had the opportunity to experience the “I am going to (fill in the blank) when I retire” moment. I don’t want to pursue retirement only to realize that I am not able to do the things I dreamed about or worse yet wake up and find out that I am dead.

I believe that one of the reasons God created this world and the things in it the way He did is for us to see it. He could have made it all the same and it would have been awesome. But instead He created the Grand Canyon, the Redwoods, the Moose, Yosemite Falls, the Pink Lady Slipper Orchid, the Oceans, the Great Lakes, Blood Mountain, the Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, the American Dipper and even the flat lands of Western Ohio. Why such diversity when He didn’t have to? One guess is He put it out there for us all to see. So let’s start seeing!

It is the purpose of this blog to share my adventure with family and with you. I want to keep a record for my kids, extended family and future generations. Several years ago my cousin Bob and I unexpectedly crossed paths in Carson City, NV some 2200 miles from our homes in Ohio. On that fateful day while shocked to see each other standing in a Cemetery so far from home, he looked up into the snow capped mountains and said, “Why didn’t someone in our family ever have the guts to leave Ohio and come west? Just look at what we all have missed. That stuck with me and now it is time to see if I have enough guts.

This blog will not be limited to the butterflies, waterfalls and mountain vistas that I experience along the way, but will also share the storms, struggles and the valleys of life in general and Full Time RV living. I want to provide positive information that may help you decide if the full time RV lifestyle is for you. I want to share the many wonderful places in North America to those who, at the moment can’t break away. I also plan to take you along on some of my hikes and provide information and pictures that can help you decide if that is a trail that you would like to take. I might even at times share some “deep thoughts” of my personal journey along the way.

I am far from a professional writer but if you can overlook some of my misspellings, redneck terminology and poor grammar I would be honored to have you join me on this journey as we Lose Track of Time.
